Original Post

Oh wow … THESE ARTWORKS LOOK AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL ON THE VB! Even more beautiful than on the 3DS!!

But they definitely deserve a custom main menu theme … and an announcement:

Reel #1: The Opening Artworks

I’ll wait for KR155E’s support for the homemenu and will REELease this as soon as it’s done …

11 Replies

Cant wait to try it!
Looks really cool


New features in this reel:
• 9 stereo images
• new custom splash animation
• dark “METROID” theme for the main menu*
• fade out between images*

* Many thanks once more to KR155E for these nice new VUE-MASTER features!!

… but I really feel the lack of sound in this reel … no metroid atmosphere without sound! So I recomment to play some Metroid tunes manually when you watch this … 😉
Anyway, the images are awesome on the VB, I think!! What do you think?

Oh my, Oh my, looking gooood! Image number 9 is just gorgeous!

I wonder how some in-game shots look like on the VB. 🙂

KR155E schrieb:
Image number 9 is just gorgeous!

Hai! So desu!

KR155E schrieb:
I wonder how some in-game shots look like on the VB.

Me too! But it would make sense to wait for your final mpo sorting tool … I’ve downloaded 2200 MPO screenshots from the european Miiverse METROID SR page and would like to sort the 2d shots out, before I examine the complete archive … 😉

Wow, these are real pretty! I’ve always felt like Metroid is a series that would look beautiful on the VB, and this only helps further that idea :p

I totally agree with that. METROID & 3D are a perfect couple! Just like these artworks & the monochrome, dithered VB graphics. The original artworks are very nice too on the 3DS of course, but I prefer this retro look for METROID!

To complete the collection of SAMUS RETURNS 3D artworks on the Virtual Boy, here comes another reel. Thanks to KR155E for the original 3DS screenshots!

Reel #2: The Chozo Memories

SPOILER WARNING: The “Chozo Memories” are a gallery of 11 unlockable artworks in the game, illustrating the history of the Metroid’s origin.

  • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by STEREO KID.

To complete the collection of SAMUS RETURNS 3D artworks on the Virtual Boy, here comes another reel. Thanks to KR155E for the original 3DS screenshots!

Reel #2: The Chozo Memories

SPOILER WARNING: The “Chozo Memories” are a gallery of 11 unlockable artworks in the game, illustrating the history of the Metroid’s origin.

Oops – there was something wrong with the image counter 😉
Thanks for debugging to KR155E! Fixed version 1.1 attached …

KR155E wrote:
I wonder how some in-game shots look like on the VB. 🙂

Here you go! Finally. Special thanks again for your MPO sorting tool, which was very helpful for the creation of this reel!

Reel #3: In-game screenshots

This reel contains 50 in-game screenshots. The attached 2MB ROM is pretty full now. Also contains spoilers!

About KR155E’s MPO sorting tool:
The Miiverse was a gaming community (by Nintendo) where users were able to post 3D screenshots of their 3DS game play. On november 1st 2017 the website was shutdown. Before that, I’ve downloaded about 130.000 screenshots (20 GB) of different 3DS games. But not all of them were 3D screenshots. If users posted screen shots with the 3D-slider set to zero, also an mpo-file containing two views was uploaded. So 2D screenshots were technically not distinguishable from 3D screenshots.As I only wanted to keep the 3D shots, KR155E wrote me a little tool, that compares the to views inside of mpo files to sort them in 2D and 3D. After sorting, only 30.000 real 3D screenshots (5 GB) were left. 1185 of 2344 Metroid screenhots were left. I sorted 150 interesting ones, this reel contains 50 of them.

Man, you managed to squeeze FIFTY screenshots in there? These are super cool, great work! Some work better than others, but many of them are pretty inspiring. I want VB Metroid!!!11

And, as always, I LOVE the title screen animation. Very cool! 😀


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