Original Post

For this update, Quinton Buckley provided us with great scans of the manuals of SD Gundam Dimension War and Virtual Bowling, which make our archive complete, the games’ manuals at least. Thanks Quinton! I also added the cover of the regular and first edition japanese Virtual Boys’ manuals and deleted all PDFs of the manuals, since their space can be used better…

An Update has been done to the Links, to which a listing of VB dealers, other gaming sites and offtopic links were added. For the first mentioned, there are several new resellers, so Otaku Most Wanted, Lex-Media and Videospiele Precan now sell the red 3D goggles and with VB-Store.com by our friend Alex, there’s even a new, dedicated Virtual Boy store, which has every japanese game and hardware you can imagine!

Last, I added a new Wallpaper of our red friend during a trip into the green ;D

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