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Hey guys got a boxed vb yestiday at an expo cheap. Came with Mario tennis and I already had wario land vb off eBay years ago. Works great, no display issues, no sound problems and stand is perfect. It’s part of my collection but what to do next. Thinking of getting panic bomber or Tetris off eBay as less than 15 pounds. I’m in uk so the games are much harder to come by here.

25 Replies

morintari wrote:
Let’s not forget Bound High, it’s easily the best game for the system. Oh and you might want to pick up a flashboy too for all of your homebrew needs, and to play all of the games ever released to boot ;-):vb:

Well said, everyone who owns a VB should have a FlashBoy in their collection.

Dreamary wrote:

Well said, everyone who owns a VB should have a FlashBoy in their collection.

A Flashboy….HA…Listen to you. With the link cable coming soon I recommend multiple. At least two!

I do own two perfectly nice VB’s and on the day the link cable is widely available I’ll consider buying a second FlashBoy so that I can make friends play 2-player!

morintari wrote:
Dreamary wrote:

Well said, everyone who owns a VB should have a FlashBoy in their collection.

A Flashboy….HA…Listen to you. With the link cable coming soon I recommend multiple. At least two!

Heh heh! Heh — uh…



don’t rule out the dream of the VB-to-USB cable and a way to play with gamers around the world.


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