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What do you think of this new console? Has Nintendo finally said “to hell with 3D” forever? I thought the 3DS wasn’t going to be a big success with its 3D gimmick, I wonder why Nintendo didn’t see this either when they released the 3DS two years ago.

3 Replies

So “I really can’t see it,” or “Gotta focus can’t move the console.” and UH Starfox was made to be moved and rotated.HELLO MCFLY HELLO! Really did’nt work that well. No problem Ive got my VIRTUAL BOY! a system that was ment to be in 3D! >B

I think there’s more reasons for this to fail other than removing the 3D screen. Look at that design…

I’ll stick to my standard 3ds and virtual boy. Also boourns on mono speaker and slate design, both reason enough to get a 3ds instead. Then again, this is aimed at the young kids who can’t use the 3d.


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