Original Post

Hey everyone- I’m trying to compile a list of online shops where you can buy various gaming items, in particular products for hacking, modding, custom/new accessories, etc. If you have a second, please list any you can think of and maybe a couple words about what they sell…

Krikzz.com- Everdrives

Raphnet-Tech.com- system X to Y controller adapters, various parts

http://store.kitsch-bent.com/- tons of great custom parts for GameBoy hacking/modding.

http://nintendorepairhut.com- parts/repair supplies, repro cart shells

http://www.tototek.com/store/index.php- system X to Y controller adapters

http://www.otakus-store.net/en/- RGB modding kits, parts

http://etim.net.au/- N64, NES, etc. RGB mods

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http://www.japangamestock.com/ – Good selection of Japanese retro games.
http://www.aliexpress.com/category/200002396/video-games.html?spm=2114.11010108.105.35.bVocYr – Aliexpress has some weird game items such as multicarts and repros.


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