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I think I could do this, if I connect the camcorder to a TV so I can look at it while I play.. does anyone have interest in such a video?

6 Replies

Protoman85 wrote:
I think I could do this, if I connect the camcorder to a TV so I can look at it while I play.. does anyone have interest in such a video?

I would watch it.

I’d also watch this, by all means do it! 🙂

What’s your focus? Fastest time, or highest points?

There is a “trick” with the final boss, but it takes considerable skill and perfect timing. Everyone knows that continuously hitting the “jump” button as the final boss starts will get a free “nose-punch”. But if your timing is perfect, you can catch him on the way DOWN after the previous nose-punch, and punch him again. I’ve actually won the game without ever engaging him at all! Nothing but a series of nose-punches!


I would just try and clear it.. but my DVD discs only hold 2 hours so I would try to clear it under 2 hours.. but most likely I would need another disc since I’ve never managed under 2 hours before.

Protoman85 wrote:
I would just try and clear it.. but my DVD discs only hold 2 hours so I would try to clear it under 2 hours.. but most likely I would need another disc since I’ve never managed under 2 hours before.

I think I’ve done it in ~30 minutes, if I run through each level like a bat outta (somewhere) getting only the key and “prize” on each level. On the advanced level, in 40 minutes or so. I’ve gotten rusty and can’t seem to do the “nose-smack-only” on the final boss lately…

If you can beat the first quest in about 30 minutes, then you should definitely take a screenshot of it and join the high score competition here. I think high score competitions are the perfect way to add even more replayability to already awesome VB games. I do plan to try to beat sebmal’s high score someday.


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