Original Post

Attached to this post you will find Bound High with activated debug menu. I created this by compiling the original source code with a modern compiler and activating code that had been left out by the developers. The ROM might still be buggy in some parts.

The debug options are accessed from the start screen. I change the way they are accessed to be simpler.

While on the pause screen press:

Right Trigger + A: Brings up the Stage Selection. The Score will display your level selection. Left D-Pad controls level selection: Up = +1; Down = -1; Left = -12; Right = +12. A select the level.

Right Trigger + B: Brings up the Sound Test: The Score will display your song selection. Left D-Pad controls song selection: Up = +1; Down = -1; Left = -12; Right = +12. A will play a sound effect. B will play music. Song 16 and 19 are never referenced from the code, so I assume they are unused songs.

Right Trigger + “Right D-Pad” Up: Activates Auto mode (the cpu will play the game for you)

Right Trigger + “Right D-Pad” Down: Changes the difficulty between easy, normal and hard. You have to die to see the change

Right Trigger + “Right D-Pad” Right: Activates expert mode (nishume in code). After activating change the difficulty with Right Trigger + “Right D-Pad” Down and die. The game should now say expert

Left Trigger: Will slowly progress the game while on the start screen

11 Replies

Boom! Well, if that’s not a great way to return, I don’t know! <3


Awesome work, as always!

Very cool, thanks for sharing!

Nice! Glad to see a post from you again!

Welcome back!

Nice to see you on here again 🙂

Welcome back! 😮 Thunderstruck!

Great to see Thunderstruck back!

Welcome back Thunderstruck!

I was wondering if there would be any way to recompile the game’s code so the debug tools/menus were as the developers originally intended in the game’s code? Just for preservation’s sake? If not, no worries. This is still pretty awesome. Thanks!


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