Original Post

I submitted a user review for Galactic Pinball, but it still hasn’t shown up under the game’s “Reviews” list, and it still mentions that there are “no reviews for this game yet”. Do they have to be approved first?

10 Replies

yes, they have to be approved. it is available now, here: http://www.vr32.de/modules/games/index.php?type=released&sec=reviews&id=2&show=46&rev=reader πŸ™‚

I see. Thank you very much! Now that I know that, I’ll write the other review.

cool! πŸ™‚

The next one has been posted too. :3

aaaand approved. and another one by manicfoot. πŸ™‚

Fantastic. All that’s left is Mario Tennis, that one will be coming up soon. πŸ™‚

What!? I never noticed that reviews page!

I’ll have to write that Teleroboxer review right away! (Or, maybe I’ll do it later πŸ˜€ )

Speaking of things we hadn’t noticed until now, I just realized my score for my NFB review says 9 out of 10. I actually meant to type 8, I guess I hit the wrong key. Is there any way to change that? I would like the score to fit the review as much as possible.

ok, i changed it.

Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it. πŸ™‚


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