Original Post

Hey everyone,

This is probably another one of those threads again, but is there any info on Dragon Hopper or Zero Racers.

Actually, these are just the following questions I would like answered. 🙂

Is it true there is a private dump of Dragon Hopper?

Why is there virtually no info on Zero Racers?

Is it true someone claimed on this forum that they found 45% of Dragon Hopper?

Is it true somebody from Nintendo Power offered $5000 each for both of the protos years ago?

If these games were ever found, would it be easy to make manuals and boxes for these games?

Why is info on these games so secretive?

What will happen to these games in the next 10, 20 years?

Has Assembler ever tried to obtain the games?

And the bonus question, how is Space Pinball and what exactly is it.

Thank you everyone. 🙂

5 Replies

space pinball is the prototype for galactic pinball. its really fun. the tables are different than the retail release. i haven’t played mine for awhile, i recall some things like the highscore was never coded.

there is more info here:

Unfortunately, you’re not going to get a lot of answers to these questions, because no one really knows the full answer for certain. There are a lot of rumors floating around about these games, and not a lot of facts to back them up.

All we really know is that there are probably still prototype carts out there, since they were briefly demoed at shows, but whoever’s ended up with them isn’t talking. Even if they were, it’s unclear how far along in development they were – they’re likely unfinished, whereas Bound High! was close to completion at the time it was canceled. Dragon Hopper is probably further along than Zero Racers, just based on the comparative amount of information we have about both.

segagamer99 wrote:

And the bonus question, how is Space Pinball and what exactly is it.

You can download and play this game for free:


segagamer99 wrote:

Is it true someone claimed on this forum that they found 45% of Dragon Hopper?

I believe the post you are referring to is this one:


Odd post. That was their only post. No pictures, no replies, no nothing.

Well, the search continues.


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