Any of you guys cashing in your points to get gold or Platinum status? (300 / 600 points submitted ths year, respectively)
I only have 80 points to go for 2011 platinum status, so I suppose that’s my goal.
I have 870 points total, however 350 points will be expiring at the deadline. I wonder if I should just spend 350 points on something I don’t care that much about and have 520 points for next year, or shoot for something more expensive and blow all my points. Club Nintendo USA doesn’t really have many items that interest me so far besides the new Game & Watch game (1200 points :-():
I hope the USA club gets the Giant 3DS AR cards:
I am neither at Gold or Platinum status π
also, I wish I had enough points for that G&W Ball re-issue too… and G&W Collection 2, and whatever other G&W things they might have in the future because I’m a Yokoi fan!
That just gave me an idea! wouldn’t it be cool if they made a VB game remake compilation (just like the G&W game compilations for the DS) for the 3DS to put up as a Club Nintendo gift? if they fear that not many would buy it, they should at least release it there!
off-topic, a bit: I wonder if, once the 3DS ends… I’ll start collecting stuff for it like I do with the VBoy? such as that super-sized AR card… π
Well, I reached platinum status. I visited my mother’s house and snatched up all of her husband’s Nintendo points (The old guy likes himself some Wii action).
New problem, I picked up Zelda OOC for 3DS today. If you register it you get a free soundtrack for a limited time. I’d hate to register it now instead of waiting until July 1st so I can apply those Coins earned to the 2012 cycle, but I’d also hate to lose out on the soundtrack if they run out of stock in the next 10 days.
On Club Nintendo’s site it says that only people that registered OOC by 12:01am today were guaranteed a copy of the soundtrack. Since I’m 16 hours past that deadline, I decided to register now. Rather have a soundtrack than 50 coins towards gold/platinum status for 2012.
Well, I ordered the Club Nintendo Mario Hat Game-End. It holds and displays either 8 DS/3DS games, or 4 GB/VB/GBC/GBA games. I’m really glad I just ordered, as it is now SOLD OUT. π
VirtualJockey wrote:
Well, I ordered the Club Nintendo Mario Hat Game-End. It holds and displays either 8 DS/3DS games, or 4 GB/VB/GBC/GBA games. I’m really glad I just ordered, as it is now SOLD OUT. π
SOLD OUT??! NoOoOoOo!! I’ve been saving my points for 2 of those and 2 of the wii remote holders and I now have enough points because I had to buy a second 3DS because one of my coworkers stole the one I bought at launch (excuse the run-on sentence, trying to make a long story short).
Anyways, I’m rich with club nintendo points (clinched platinum status awhile ago) but now it seems I won’t be able to get what I want. That repro g&w is tempting but i’d rather get a real zelda g&w from ebay. No need in wasting my points on that.
3000 points and nothing was worth it but those shelves. What a bummer…
VBSAM wrote:
I had to buy a second 3DS because one of my coworkers stole the one I bought at launch
That sucks, wonder if there is a way of getting Nintendo to brick it, its got a unique code so I guess in theory it could be done. I also wonder if whoever nabbed it shows up on mine as you if they go online, pity we can’t send ‘friends’ messages, they might need a filth dictionary to make sense of rants & insults to thieving gits.
Got another friend code you wanna share?
Yeah I already rang NOA and they can’t brick it, even with a police report. They said the best they can do is transfer any downloaded content to a new system. It was stolen before the eShop launch so, needless to say, they weren’t much help. I know they have the capabilities to brick the systems as they’ve touted before to cut down on flash cart use but I guess, in my circumstance, the goon I chatted with didn’t have the power and couldn’t send my call to someone who did.
New friend code: 5026 4522 4414
I’m curious if you can see the time my old system was last online?
VBSAM wrote:
I’m curious if you can see the time my old system was last online?
I just checked and it don’t show when it was last online, oh well just have to hope some kind of karmic gaming issue will affect the thief and their fingers cease to function right.
I’ll add your code in, I’ll keep the old one in just in case it does appear online any time, not that we can do anything.
edit: you are in as a friend, old post with our codes is still there so look forward to seeing VBSam online once more
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