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Since you need to submit a screenshot to get a highscore to count towards the overall Top 10 list (and badge), wouldn’t it also be fair to require a screenshot to get the Top Highscore badge for each game mode?

As it is now, anyone can just make up a score, type it in, and instantly “steal” a Top Highscore badge πŸ˜•

13 Replies

I do agree on this one, always thought about this myself. And I have done a great deal of trouble to get those number 1 scores πŸ˜‰
Maybe it is an idea to split the scores? Make a screenshot top anything and a non screenshot top anything?

I never knew that. No real photo, no real badge earned IMO.

Legit photos/screen-shots should be required for any high score, much like most high-score databases.

Yes, I agree, though maybe in the past of the existence of this website there was not a good option of submitting screenshots of highscores?
As this website is KRE155’s property, we of course cannot tell you what to do Krisse πŸ™‚ but we can suggest, can’t we?
It would be best to scrap all non screenshot submissions in my opinion, now that there is a very good way (if this ever was the reason of course) to submit screenshots.

TheForce81 wrote:
Yes, I agree, though maybe in the past of the existence of this website there was not a good option of submitting screenshots of highscores?
As this website is KRE155’s property, we of course cannot tell you what to do Krisse πŸ™‚ but we can suggest, can’t we?
It would be best to scrap all non screenshot submissions in my opinion, now that there is a very good way (if this ever was the reason of course) to submit screenshots.

I have many highscores for many games that are better than ones posted on websites. I can’t prove it, and if I cared to I could have taken a photo or a video.
Shoulda’ coulda’ woulda’, eh?

Badges or not, I think all non-proof highscores are undeserving of *any* recognition at all. I’m not saying that all non-proof submissions are lies, but if there’s no proof they’re surely not important enough to the gamer to deserve recognition.
I had some great VB fishing catches before I deleted my save data, Oh well, I say. I’ll do better next time if it means enough to me.

Hey, I got 999,999,999 in vertical force once… I didn’t care to take a pic, but it’s true!!111 :-p

RidingHero wrote:

TheForce81 wrote:
Yes, I agree, though maybe in the past of the existence of this website there was not a good option of submitting screenshots of highscores?
As this website is KRE155’s property, we of course cannot tell you what to do Krisse πŸ™‚ but we can suggest, can’t we?
It would be best to scrap all non screenshot submissions in my opinion, now that there is a very good way (if this ever was the reason of course) to submit screenshots.

I have many highscores for many games that are better than ones posted on websites. I can’t prove it, and if I cared to I could have taken a photo or a video.
Shoulda’ coulda’ woulda’, eh?

Badges or not, I think all non-proof highscores are undeserving of *any* recognition at all. I’m not saying that all non-proof submissions are lies, but if there’s no proof they’re surely not important enough to the gamer to deserve recognition.
I had some great VB fishing catches before I deleted my save data, Oh well, I say. I’ll do better next time if it means enough to me.

Hey, I got 999,999,999 in vertical force once… I didn’t care to take a pic, but it’s true!!111 :-p

Lol! The last part sounds a bit sarcastic, or am I wrong about that? Man, that game is HARD, I haven’t put in too much time that game myself. But I highly doubt that I can beat your posted highscores there.
I am sure that some game highscores are beatable by someone, and I everyone to try and beat me!!! 😎
That sure would motivate me to get out my VB and beat the highscores myself if I can!

Jeez, my posted Vertical Force scores were all earned on a VB with a glitchy eye! Sometimes it was impossible to play unless I only had one eye open, and other times I needed both eyes open during the glitchy mess. It was tough, but my purpose was just to rank with the listed PVB scores. I’ll try for 1st place once I get my glitchy eyepiece repaired! πŸ™‚

Mind you, all my vertical force Highscores have a screenshot. According to such, I have the first place in easy and hard mode with a pic, and second place in normal with a pic. πŸ™‚

You guys are totally right about the badges. Looks like I forgot to include a check for screenshots in the badges script, oops! Will add that asap. Thanks for pointing this out, Dan!

The other thing are the unproven highscores, those without screenshots. As TheForce81 guessed correctly, it has historical reasons that they are there. When I began having highscore lists on PVB, it was not necessary to submit screenshots to get included. One reason was, that many people did simply not have the equipment to take screenshots. Since I made the highscore submission form with its screenshot option, 99% (or 100%? not sure) of the submitted scores had one. I don’t want to simply erase all highscores without screens, but it’s only a matter of time, until those are overtaken by proven highscores. Also there might be people, who still have no way of taking screenshots, and we don’t want to exclude them. Since unproven highscores get no Top10 points and no badges (at least now ;D), they don’t play a big role anyway.

The bottom line is that the whole highscore thing is based on honesty anway, since screenshots could be easily faked with Photoshop, using hacked ROMs or whatever.

Well, that clears it up. Nice that you changed the badge part of it, makes it a bit more legit. I hope people won’t start with hacking roms and abuse that with highscore submitting, that would be so uncool.

Hmmmmm, it doesn’t seem to work though. Inequity didn’t get the badge for Mario Clash while he is the number 1 if you only consider screenshot submits.

That’s because I did not fix it yet. πŸ˜‰

Ahhhh, that seems to explain it lol

Cool, one more 3D Tetris badge for me then πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

Should be fixed now!

Seems to work great indeed, nice fix!


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