Original Post

Would like to borrow a link cable for a week if possible.

PM me here, GMail, or my private address if you have it.

4 Replies

Are you making a 2-player game?

No. Playing an existing game.

Someone have two HF? lol.

seeing as their is only one known official link cable (and the auction wasn’t cheap) and from what i’ve read a handful of prototype 3rd party community cables, you may end up having to wait until the cable gets officially released.

if we are talking about hyper fighting, i did have someone tell me that the 2-player mode works pretty well. there is that to look forward too. i just hope that all future projects support a 1 player mode as well (or vb-to-usb). i’d hate to miss out on enjoying a game because i don’t own a 2nd vb and don’t know anyone in person who even wants to play vb games.


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