Original Post

Hello everyone, new PVB member here :D!

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone had a spare visor for sale. My brother had my VB for many years (like 10 or more), and of course lost the visor. Now I have the console again, and want to restore it to its original glory.

9 Replies

check japangamestock

I checked into it on that website, unfortunately they only have the eyeshade, not the whole visor.

I can 3D-print you a visor holder if that’s any help ?


That’s awesome. Thank you for the offer, but I just picked the whole visor up locally earlier today. Very neat to see that made with a 3d printer.

Hey buddy, just sent you a PM regarding a purchase of one of your visors.

I would be interested in getting a visor holder printed up how much do you charge?

Absolutely would love to get one of these! I’ll shoot you a PM sire 🙂

Minestorm, that is a bad ass visor frame. Very nicely done. I would love to have one of those and also one of the 3D printed tripod adapters from the individual selling them on ebay.


I’m a new member, having just recently gotten hold of a Virtual Boy.

I basically have the VB itself, the bipod, a controller and an AC Adaptor Tap, but no games, so haven’t been able to test it yet.

I’m told that it works but that the controller is faulty, and the system is missing the visor/eyeshade & visor frame. (I’m also told that I may need to get some work done on one of the ribbon cables).

So, I do have a fair bit to do, although as this is my way into finally owning a Virtual Boy (after lusting after one for many years), I’m happy to piece things together bit by bit if that’s what it takes! 🙂

Which leads me to my question – can you PM me with details of the cost of a one of your 3D printed visor frames please?

I’ve seen an eyeshade on japangamestock.com and have one in the basket at present (along with what will hopefully be my 1st two games).

I’m guessing the eyeshade I’d be buying would come without a visor frame, so thought I’d ask the question before ordering (in case I was to find a visor and eyeshade ‘combo’ in the meantime).

Thanks in advance,



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