On the Japanese version, the language can be switched to English with a button combination. On the title screen when selecting Start/Password, hold ,
then press
Using a patched ROM, it is possible to instantly drop down to the next area below by pressing and

To access a harder difficulty level, press the following combination on the titlescreen:
If you did it right, “For Super Players” appears under the “Jack Bros.” logo. The differences to normal mode are more and differently placed enemies, different textures in the levels, differently looking boulders and warp tiles, more jack traps, pradices are closer together and, of course, different passwords. You get this cheat after completing the game.

To access the “Muteki Select”, type in the following at the title screen:
“Muteki” is Japanese for invincible, while the second option, “ataru”, means vulnerable. Note that you can’t use warps when invincibly, but you can use the “Go through walls” trick instead. This cheat was disabled in the final version of the game by the programmers and only works with a patched ROM.

To access a level select menu, type in the following at the title screen:
This cheat was disabled in the final version of the game by the programmers and only works with a patched Rom.

Using a patched ROM, you can manipulate the number of remaining special attacks by pressing and either

On a patched ROM, you can manipulate the remaining time by pressing and either

You can only use “Hard” passwords when the “For Super Players” mode is activated and the other way round. To use Pixie’s passwords, you always have to confirm the last number by pressing
simultaneously instead of using just
Jack Frost:
Grim Reaper’s Cavern (Floor 4): 3267
Temple of Nightmare (Floor 8): 8453
Dragon’s Belly (Floor 15): 1309
Mecha Fortress (Floor 25): 7285
Crystal Palace (Floor 40): 6378
Grim Reaper’s Cavern (Floor 4): 2980
Temple of Nightmare (Floor 8): 0854
Dragon’s Belly (Floor 15): 2448
Mecha Fortress (Floor 25): 5331
Crystal Palace (Floor 40): 5783
Jack Lantern:
Grim Reaper’s Cavern (Floor 4): 4965
Temple of Nightmare (Floor 8): 5923
Dragon’s Belly (Floor 15): 0919
Mecha Fortress (Floor 25): 2827
Crystal Palace (Floor 40): 6313
Grim Reaper’s Cavern (Floor 4): 3910
Temple of Nightmare (Floor 8): 3570
Dragon’s Belly (Floor 15): 2293
Mecha Fortress (Floor 25): 1396
Crystal Palace (Floor 40): 3939
Jack Skelton:
Grim Reaper’s Cavern (Floor 4): 0248
Temple of Nightmare (Floor 8): 2745
Dragon’s Belly (Floor 15): 9537
Mecha Fortress (Floor 25): 3598
Crystal Palace (Floor 40): 0531
Grim Reaper’s Cavern (Floor 4): 9730
Temple of Nightmare (Floor 8): 0385
Dragon’s Belly (Floor 15): 4196
Mecha Fortress (Floor 25): 6228
Crystal Palace (Floor 40): 0893
Forest of Fairies (Floor 1): 4649
Grim Reaper’s Cavern (Floor 4): 1118
Temple of Nightmare (Floor 8): 1708
Dragon’s Belly (Floor 15): 1224
Mecha Fortress (Floor 25): 1917
Crystal Palace (Floor 40): 5963

To access Pixie as another playable character, type in ‘4649’ on the password screen but confirm the ‘9’ by pressing and holding
simultaneously instead of just

CT: Infinite Time
CC: 0-0000112-0046
CT: Invincible, etc.
CC: 1-0000150-FFFF
To see the whole level on your map, instead of just the keys, type in the following while the game is paused:
This cheat can be disabled by the following combo:

Using a patched ROM, you can display your current position as X and Y coordinates by pressing and

To access a hidden Sound Test Menu, type in the following at the title screen:
This cheat only works in the Japanese version.

Using a patched ROM, it is possible to move freely on the playfield by holding down . This way you can go through walls and reach other areas of a level, only boulders still are an obstacle.