4 Patches
All levels selectable
This patch makes all 99 levels selectable from the main menu, instead of only the first 40.
Author: DogP
mc_all_levels.zip (186 B)
Controller Fix
This patch changes the controller layout to the Mario standard by swapping A and B (A jump, B throw) and also puts “run” on both triggers.
Author: DogP
mc_ctrl_fix.zip (173 B)
Infinite Lives
Save Support
- adds support for saving your level progress, high scores and brightness
- replaces the original capped 1 to 40 level select with the option to select any level that you’ve previously reached, all the way up to 99
- optionally remap the controls to be closer to other Mario games (based on Controller Fix by DogP)
- erase save by pressing
on the title screen
Author: Vague Rant
mario-clash_vb_save-support_v1.3.ips (726 B) mario-clash_vb_save-support_v1.3-button-swap.ips (944 B)
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