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A new preview version of VUEngine Studio has been released. As usual, this release comes with lots of improvements all over the place. Two big new features stand out, Intellisense and collaboration. Beyond that, the engine has seen a massive overhaul, and we finally wrote full documentation and even a beginner’s tutorial, available on
- Added Intellisense support through a custom Language Server
- Added experimental collaboration feature
- Various engine improvements and new features
- Finished documentation, including a beginner’s tutorial
Grab VUEngine Studio here.
A new preview version of VUEngine Studio has been released. Apart from the usual bug fixes and usability improvements, the highlights of this release are the improved build times and the new image quantizer that runs before conversion. Previously, images had to be indexed PNGs using the correct palette. Now, users do no longer have to worry about such things. In this context, the entity editor now also allows you to create HiColor (7 color frame blending) sprites. In addition, the font editor has been completely redesigned and now allows to create fonts of any size.
- Added various quantisation options to image editor and entity editor’s sprite component
- Reduced build times by building libraries only once and using only the CPU’s performance cores
- Redesigned font editor
- Redesigned application shell
- Various QOL enhancements, addressing user feedback
Grab VUEngine Studio here.
Chiptune artist Tronimal has created the first ever Virtual Boy music album called “Robonaut”. The 8 track piece will be released on a physical cartridge as well as CD, if a production run can be successfully funded through Kickstarter.
I have integrated my browser-based ROM writer for the “FlashBoy Plus” Nintendo Virtual Boy flash cart into the website. You’ll now find a button next to each ROM download that allows you to directly flash the respective game to a FlashBoy or FlashBoy Plus connected to your computer via USB. For example here, look for the blue button next to “Latest Download” on the top right.
There’s also a standalone version that allows you to select any ROM from your hard drive. Try it at
Note that you’ll need a browser compatible with the WebHID API, such as Chrome, to be able to use this flasher.