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If you’re living in sweden and missed Retrogathering 2009, now there’s another chance to meet fellow VB fans like Fredik Kellén, who will be showing off his collection again at Retrospelsmässn 2010 in Gothenburg on April 24th.

Fredric will have his VB counter top display with him again, as well as another special edition of VUE Snake. This time, people will be able to compete in all three modes, Normal, Marathon and Double and (I think) win prizes again.

Some people who played RG2009 Masken will be coming again and try to beat Tidus’ incredible score.

There’s your chance, Dan. 😉

2 Replies

Ah, sounds great! It’s farther away than Retrogathering was, but it would be cool to go there 🙂

I’ll be there as well, but I don’t think I’ll bring any VB stuff, it’s the Fairchild System stuff that will be shown instead.

I guess I need to practice RG2009 Masken…


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