Original Post

I’ve been dormant here for a long time (many login issues with little help from the password recovery tool), but I’ve managed to log in and peruse the updated site. Looks familiar, but also pretty fresh!

I can’t seem to find the old collection tracking/reporting in my user profile anymore, and I can’t seem to find any News or Forum posts talking about it when I use the search. Other than discussions from 10 years or so ago.

Is that feature gone? If not, how can I access/find it? If it is gone, are there plans to bring it back?

10 Replies

It looks like it’s gone, as I can’t find it anywhere. I really enjoyed that feature and the checklists, but I know KR155E will be updating in the future, we just gotta give him time to add back some of the old-site features that people enjoyed. making a thread or poll of what people want added back might be a good idea to see what people want added back and what people didn’t care much for, I think that would probably be best in keeping the website enjoyable for everyone moving forward.

Hey Fwow13, glad you found your way back! I hope the new site will be a much more pleasant experience.

There is currently no collections feature on the new site, but it will be back eventually, with the old site’s collections imported. Actually, I had a working implementation, but it was really lackluster – I can do much better.

– Better presentation
– Better image upload
– Better integration with site (“Collect” button on game pages)
– Status per item (Incomplete, complete or sealed)
– Multiples (maybe)
– Allow collecting of merchandise
– Allow collecting of unlicensed stuff like HyperFlash32 or “official” physical homebrew releases

Let me know if there’s any other things I could add. πŸ™‚

Thanks for the info, and thanks for all the work you do for the site and the community KR155E!

Thanks for letting us know that the collections will get imported eventually. I always liked to see the collections of all the vb-members. Also the ranking system with who has the most complete collection, I really like the most.
Still, the new site really looks fresh and modern, but I must say that I also liked the oldschool/retro look of the previous website.

Keep up the good work!

Hi, any news about the collections feature? It has been more than two years already.

I currently don’t have plans to implement a new collections feature. I spent a ton of time on other user interaction feature like highscores, ratings or game lists and they’re very hardly used by anybody. These days, where we all are using Discord, the site appears to be more of a side note. Or archive. It just doesn’t seem worthwhile to invest the time in a new collections feature if nobody’s gonna use it.

I know what you mean, i think its verry sad because i realy like the simple Boards and Sites like Virtual-Boy.com. I use them much more then any other social Media :). But i also feel (also on other Comunitys) that sites like this will be more and more dead.. I hope this site will be much longer available πŸ˜‡ also when there are not that much activity is.

  • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by Planlos1988.

Well… as it turns out, the working implementation I had previously was almost complete and doesn’t need too much work to finalize. The collection feature will be back very soon. πŸ™‚

Great news:)

Awesome news πŸ˜€
I think it’s very handy to keep the collections section available for future purposes.


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