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@3l_s4n70Registered May 15, 2006Active 3 months, 2 weeks ago
6 Replies made

Thanks a lot blitter for the great explanation, now things make much more sense, haha.

I have to tackle with a Virtual Boy that supposedly resets itself when pressing down on the right DPAD (have not been able to reproduce this on a 5 minute play of Mario Tennis), but if everything goes ok with it, I will start developing a simple flaschart with SRAM.

Have a great day!


First of all, sorry for bringing an ancient thread back, but was tackling with making a simple EPROM + SRAM cartridge, and I am not very sure on the pinout nor the schematics… and I do not own one with save functionality that I can trace.

I have fallen in this URL (http://www.goliathindustries.com/vb/VBDiagrams.html), but given the pinout provided by Tauwasser in the first post, the connections on the Edge connector are not obvious to me… I do not get what are the connections outlines at the three last lines behind the Edge connector title in the 3D Tetris cartridge schematics, thus, I do not understand where to connect things.

Anybody knows the correct pinout, or rather correct interpretation, of…

3 – 26, 27 (U2)
6 – 26, 20 (U2)
7 – 25 (U2)

I may be sleeping too little, but I do not get those pin correspondences. What are the first column, second column, and third (if present)? For the first and second lines, to me it seems as if it were a shortcuit with that 26 in common, and so a shortcircuit between all those pins (3, 26, 27, 6 and 20, wherever they beong too), which does obviously not make any sense.

Any help is much appreciated,

Hey palacios, congratulations friend.
Very very nice collection.

A long time away the forum, and FlashBoy is a reality.
Maybe this can make me come back to the VB…

can you give us some more technical info on it?


Wow, it looks really good.