Original Post

Well, some topics seem to get off ‘topic’ lately, and get into a discussion of repros and the process…what we are doing next ect.

I thought it might be a good idea to post stuff on this thread..organize it a bit.

Maybe make other threads that deal with cart shells or if we have a viable connector ect.

Now…where are we atm with reproductions

Well let’s see

I’m planning on sending out the free carts still. Need to get the labels..I’m going to send out 70 carts it looks like.

People that get a free cart can order the packaging at tusks website. The packaging has a small hold up on the hint-book. We’re not sure how much it will cost yet..depends on how many pages the instructions and hintbook has…Poster looks really sweet..morintari did the artwork for the poster and hintbook ect..

For people that want to buy one CIB…we will offer a few CIB (25?) (should the labels be the same?) Funny thing happened. After I released the rom..I stopped getting emails about copy-write stuff.

Blox will be released soonish..we’re going to do a small release at first (25) to make sure there is interest. Blox 2 isn’t going to be done yet..small issue with the save function.

Fastball: remastered still looks like it’s a go. Most of thunderstrucks changes that he has planned has been coded..But the job of coding 50 + levels might take a bit.

We’re going to do a small resupply of the boundhigh/space pinball carts in tusks store (25 of each). This will be the last resupply planned for a bit..so we can get other games done. So, if you haven’t gotten one..order them now (will be a few weeks til we get the new carts in)

After that..nothings been decided.

If we do an english version of gundam..prices will be higher. Richard has to make it have sram..so production costs on his side will be higher. I can prob get the batteries pretty cheap on my side..and install them in the USA.

Other ideas…english version of space squash (if it gets fully translated). I think this is a much better game (fun) to play then gundam. But, you really NEED the translation of gundam to play it..while space squash you can just pick up and play. So, not sure on which one I’d like done first…but I’d like both done.

Homebrews ? Should we split the more ‘commercial’ releases with homebrew releases ? I guess we’ll have to see how well blox does.



Soviet Union collection…maybe horvat can combine his roms into one ‘collection’..if he wants to..we can do a release with that…

Virtual Chris came out with a bunch of games..maybe a collection ? have to see the interest

Anyway..just wanted to update people on where we are at.

Also, 3 kinda small points I want to make..might seem small..but I want to get it out there before any potential problems happen…

1st. My thoughts might not be Tusk’s or Mindstorm’s…so if I posts my thoughts here..please don’t take it as their thoughts πŸ™‚ Just cuz I say something here..doesn’t make it ‘official’ stuff.

2nd. You can post want you want to see done..but even if we get 20 posts saying ‘we want gundam’..don’t be upset if squash or something else is done first. Maybe we can get to the point that we have a vote on which game comes out next…but we aren’t there yet. We might not have the chips for a certain game..or the manual might not be done ect.

3rd. If I talk about games about to come out..or plans for future games..doesn’t mean we’re doing pre-order’s πŸ™‚ It would be helpful to know how many people are wanting to buy a game..but I don’t think we’ll be taking money ahead of time yet. That first bound high thing was a bit of a mess. Tusk had the packaging..then all of a sudden we could do CIB’s..but people didn’t seem to understand the time it took to get the connectors send them off to mindstorm..get them back..put the carts together ect. If we do any type of pre-ordering thingy..I think Tusk will post on another thread or something.


245 Replies

ectoglow wrote:

But what about the Japanese systems that didn’t come with a packed in game then? Surely that would even up the numbers. That and the Systems that Blockbuster had wouldn’t have “come” with Tennis then.

Well, it wouldn’t even it out since they produced CIB copies of the Japanese version of Mario’s Tennis, both for in-store demo only purposes as well as for commercial sale, and they probably would have tried to keep the amounts about equal with the numbers of systems being produced, I’m guessing. Nevertheless, I think extra carts would have had to be made for North American rental purposes, since a lot of carts could have been lost and never returned by renters, so Blockbuster would have likely ordered more Mario’s Tennis carts to restore the supply.

As for Baseball; just wow. Glad you guys got the connect you got since you’d probably end up spending a pretty penny more on… whats another abundant game we see cases of? I guess Japanese Vertical Force?

The problem with Japanese Vertical Force, or any Japanese CIB game for that matter, is that these games would not give the nice English inserts (English Precautions Booklet and Nintendo Power Subscription pamphlet) that have been coming with each new CIB release from the UncleTusker team. Thus, Virtual League Baseball truly is our only hope for these truly complete releases.

Benjamin Stevens wrote:

The problem with Japanese Vertical Force, or any Japanese CIB game for that matter, is that these games would not give the nice English inserts (English Precautions Booklet and Nintendo Power Subscription pamphlet) that have been coming with each new CIB release from the UncleTusker team. Thus, Virtual League Baseball truly is our only hope for these truly complete releases.

Good point, had not thought of that. While it wouldn’t be the end of the world not to have those with the repros I think its a really nice touch (I mean, why not?)

What becomes of all the left over Baseball Boxes and Instruction booklets? Do you have them flat packed, amassing in storage somewhere? It’d be hilarious to see them on ebay some day: “Virtual Boy Baseball Box and Instructions ONLY: lot of 300”

Actually I throw away all of the instructions/box and mail in cards..i’d be up to 500 in no time πŸ˜›

btw…24 more carts out today πŸ™‚

bigmak wrote:
Actually I throw away all of the instructions/box and mail in cards..i’d be up to 500 in no time πŸ˜›

I’d feel dismay about such a big waste of VB materials… If that game didn’t suck so much. I’m more inclined to Play virtual Lab again then that monotonous, sometimes impossible game.

This came in the mail today.

Got a cart today, too. Thanks for the nice surprise, Eric!

Totally caught off guard today by this. Thanks a bunch!

Anyone else get a little foam smiley face? πŸ™‚

adler_0 wrote:
Anyone else get a little foam smiley face? πŸ™‚

I got one of those to πŸ™‚ Thanks again for everything bigmak.

Got my cart and smiley πŸ™‚ yesterday too.

Thanks BigMak!

Got my card and smily as well. Someone shot the smily in the head.

Thanks bigmak. Now I need to buy that box to make it complete…

Today was a really good day. I want to thank you Bigmak once again.

today this come in the mail (se picture).

I played the game fore the first time today. Really fun and i belive the Shild enemy is a payn in the as πŸ˜›

Well the smily face will be a nice fing to ad in my collection. That was a cute suprice.

I belive that Inmouses will be muckh better game if the controller was more like Faceball.

Well i will add a little more money to your paypal.

You have done a really good fing fore so many people around the world. I have phone my mom and my uncle and talked about this story about you and what you did fore evrryone out there.

Well there are verry nice and good people out there in the world.

Many thanks from Sweden.

I was lucky enough to get a copy today and a smiley! Thanks very much Eric. Now just for a box….. Oh wait what’s that post over there…..
Cheers mate

OKI…where are we at?

We are at someplace that is relaxing hopefully..cuz I am tired πŸ™‚ Worked the last 20 or so days in a row..so I took a day off. But, it was productive.

Got the rest of the blox carts together and sent off to Tusk. People that have been waiting for their order..blame me..not him. I just haven’t had to time to get everything done. But, that’s off my list now.

Haven’t started on the Gundams yet. Got ..ONE done I think..tested a bunch of the boards thou..all looks good to go. I have off Sunday..so I’m thinking I’m gonna get out a dremel and try to get those done..if not..I will the next weekend I have off.

Sent off 30 more free proto carts today. That’s 99% of the ones I needed to send out..might have like 3 (??) more..I have to double check. Should be a bunch of happy people in about a week to 3 weeks (depending on where you live).

*a note on the proto release. It really wasn’t meant to be a regular release. It started as a way to try to get a portion of the money back from the purchase of the prototype..but that fell thru. I changed it to just a thank you to the community and the people that were helping out. I really didn’t intend for it to be a regular release. But, it seems like people really seem to like it and I’m really glad we got it done. It turned out well and the packaging/hintbook tusk did (with morintari’s artwork and ben’s help) really turned out great. We will have a very small amount for sale in tusks shop (to help people that didn’t get in on the free cart). But, I just wanted to thank people for making this all possible. OH..some sad news. Not everyone will be getting a little foam smiley with a bullet in the head :(. They were supplied by an donor back when I was only going to be giving out 50 carts..I ended up giving out 70 carts..so ..some people towards the end just ended up getting a free cart.

Oki..supplies. I just got 5 cases of baseballs in the mail (still one case and a partial somewhere in the mail system). This was my big purchase that is making me poor once again. But that’s fine..cuz now we have 250 more repros we can make (300 when the rest of the order comes in) :). So, we can keep on trucking with the repros for quite awhile πŸ™‚ woo woo..i’m tired haha


Blox still for sale cib..store will be resupplied soon
proto carts still going out
proto paperwork for sale in the store

Cib proto carts for sale in the store (25 carts ??)

A bit later:
English gundam for sale (50ish carts)

More later then that:
Faceball: remastered (75 ish carts?? total guess) been waiting on this one..finally able to play the game it was ment to be..LOTS of stuff finished in the game.

in a galaxy far far away (but this year ??)
fishbone homebrew
space squash (english version..not fully translated yet)
blox 2 (need to have the save memory fixed)

As always..this is just what i think will be going on…don’t hold me to anything πŸ™‚

hrms i might take a pic of all the baseballs once the rest come in..that would be a hell of a pic wouldn’t it ? πŸ™‚


OH..btw..is there a Frederic Blahltz out there ? got a cart sent back to me..the info I have on your is wrong. PM me when you can. Also looking for a David Frear…your package came back…

If I hadn’t said it earlier I just want to say thanks for everything BigMak Including Faceball and the smiley. I only hope that one day your generousity will pay off and you will get what’s comming to you, in a good way of course.:)

I missed out on the proto. Is there a post explaining the difference between that and the Remastered cart coming soon? I’d like to get one of them but probably don’t need both. Unless there are a lot of changes.


Of the two..def get the remastered version. The prototype is kinda easy and not finished. Very limited on mazes. The remastered is more of a full game. Thunderstruck did a hell of a job hacking the game.


I’d say that’s definitely the right choice. I didn’t know if the proto cart had any of the extra data.

Now we just need to wait for it to be available…

bigmak wrote:

in a galaxy far far away (but this year ??)
fishbone homebrew
space squash (english version..not fully translated yet)
blox 2 (need to have the save memory fixed)

Is it already planned that thunderstruck or Virtual_Ben will be making an instruction booklet for Fishbone?

When you say that the English version for Space Squash is not fully translated yet, does this mean that a programmer is already lined up to finish up the controls screen and the character names on the versus screens?

Will Krisse be making an instruction booklet for BLOX 2?


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