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@_shameless_Registered April 29, 2013Active 7 years, 5 months ago
10 Replies made

i point mine towards, its always felt more stable to me

nahh i’m not really into cheating ;P hm but thanks for the advice! those dumb missiles are a real pain, outjuking them is the only way to really shake them haha. i agree on the 3d, the wireframe could be confusing in 2d for sure. its a great game thats for sure

been off for a while but happy new year to all! ^.^

it could be done for sure, i just wonder how…

Guy Perfect wrote:
If counterfeits made quality products, couldn’t they gank more money from unsuspecting customers?

they easily could yea

very cool! why doesnt it have the tetris theme song tho? :/

if you’ve got everything stationary,then i agree with runnerpack; its probably cap related. if you have the know how it wouldn’t hurt opening it up and seeing if you can find the issue

ha! i love this game on the gb. any chance this could be released on cart?

how expensive are new led screens for these? a small fortune?

ohh good idea 😀

pretty sure its usa