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@mockylockRegistered July 31, 2007Active 5 months ago
8 Replies made

i find this even more funny after the last new :


It’s been a very long time since i last came here.
i’ve read about the release of a retail version of Hyper Fighting. Such a good news.
See ya later !

Thank you for explanations.
Here is a link to my howto:


Hello =)
It was a long time i didn’t come here =)
I tried the last version of FlashBoy.exe and i had many writing errors. I mean, i couldn’t boot any game, ’cause it always failed in writing (Wario at 3%, many tries; other game could fail at various %, even “complet”).
So i’m still using the FlashBoy.exe (V2).

Can it be a batch issue ? (i own #98).

but anyway, many many thanks for all the great job from PVB team, KR155E and obviously Richard Hutchinson =)

I’m wrinting a little “howto” that i will publish on a French forum (and i already promoted the FlashBoy so you had orders 😉

And, as i am writing here, i had a few questions:
What are the specs of each padding mode ? I mean, what do they do exactly ?

I hope you’ll understand my frenchy english
So you soon !

Waiting is killing me.. I hope I’ll be on the next command…

KR155E wrote:

Only thing is I’d like to get a Flashboy before I sell them all. Anyone know when the next batch is going to be available?

hopefully next week. but if you did not yet preorder, better do it right now, we already have more than 50 preorders. you could be lucky when someone backs out.

Woowww, and i hope i’ll be on the 50 next !
I will not access internet before next saturday so if they are available before, please wait for meeeeee !
Thanks you all for your so great job 🙂

Hello all
Aerf, when i see all of you singing “‘got one, got one”, I’m almost crying 🙁
Hoping it’ll be my turn soon.

Thank you PVB 🙂

Hello all
I’ll buy one for sure 🙂