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@heppnerRegistered February 25, 2005Active 15 years, 6 months ago
26 Replies made

I’ve noticed that most of your posts are for the most part random, or do not add much atall to whatever the thread topic is. 😕

“Wtf, enjoy the game instead since as you have noticed with the flashcart you can play all games and as of late the four rare Virtual Boy games were released as roms :)”

I’m well aware of the flashcart. But what in the world does that have to do with what I asked? 😕 Also, please don’t point the obvious as of the four games were stated in the frontpage that they were now released as .roms.

EDIT: Spelling in Quote.
EDIT: Added comment.

Oh man, this is fantastic! I haven’t been to this site for years. I’m glad these games have been released!

Are you stupid….? PVB is.. Planet Virtual Boy Do you see any advance in it:!?!?!?! people like you should be shot so the rest of us dont have to take this kinda crap…

Wow… That’d be tight! Great movie! better then The Matrix 😉

Well? Is this thing dead or what? Did you make the site?

NR20 why dont you give me your MSN ID and, you could send them on that? =)

Ah yes, the pencil. A nice invention. Works great with paper. Makes letters or, numbers. =D

Arg, alright. Thanks!

I’m playing Doom 3 with 3d glasses.

That’d be sweet! Now I can try out my new Mac 11 =O!!!


Fine whatever, but if I do get the real games. I’ll just publically release them myself.

But… those aren’t prototypes. 😉

I’m sure it wouldn’t affect the owners. People would still wan’t have the actual games. See my point?

Why cant you share it? The companies don’t make them anymore. They don’t get any profit from them. So what’s the point of keeping them?

That is complete $%#@. I feel like your a Rom Nazi and dictating weither or not I can have it.

Really? what channels?

How is that off topic? Virtual Boy is the topic of this site right? I mean Planet Virtual Boy? Sorry so you’re saying, the whole site is off topic? Sorry my brain just can’t comprehend what you said.

Oh, I’ve seen that before in a mag. back in 98. That thing looked awesome. I remember days while playing Golden Eye. Wondering what that was and, what it does. Thanks for the information RacerX. I appreciate it. =D