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@cosmolinerRegistered January 23, 2012Active 2 weeks, 3 days ago
149 Replies made

In my opinion 200$ is too much.
I sold my complete copy (see photo) with knife damages at the box for ~190$ on ebay.
I think 150$ for the cart would be a fair price


Wow,the Jacket looks great!Never seen before.

Got my cart and smiley 🙂 yesterday too.

Thanks BigMak!

Hallo and Welcome to the PVB comunity!

What a great G&W collection! 😛
I also collect G&W,but my collection is not so big as your.
Betweenwhiles i buy a G&W,but in the recent years G&W are getting expensive.


Hey DogP!

That’s a great offer.
You are a friendly guy!
The comunity thank you so much.


Wow,you sold your collection verry fast.
So sad that you must sold your fantastic collection,i hope it is in good hands.
Hope you come sometimes back and buy a system again.

Funny Video,thank you Protoman and Friends!

No,it’s the right link.
I only want to show the “crazy price” for this Nes-Cardtridge.

Anybody now the last eBay price for a Virtual Boy Prototype Cartridge:question:

My Space Pinball arrived me. 🙂
Thank you to everyone involved.
Highly recommended work!
Thank you so much! :thumpup:

Hi,i sold one of my VirtualBoy’s.
Thank you The Force81 for soldering the displays! :thumpup:


Thanks for the translation!

Great work!Thanks!.Ordered one 🙂

THANKS Bigmak for making this possible.
A dream comes true 😛
I will be donating at the end of the week…so many bills this month… 🙁

I fixed six displays with a other different heat method,an air solder heat gun.
It work only three months and the conections problems come back.
As TheForce81 say:
The only real solution is to solder the screens

Just got mine!

Amazing work,very professionally.
The box,manual and sticker looked like official.
Now my cartridge has a home 😉

Thank you UncleTusker!

Cool Robo Santa!

Thank you Thunderstruck for this cool ROM!

Wish you and every one a Merry Christmas.

That is interesting,thank you for your quick information RunnerPack :thumpup: