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@fire-wspRegistered May 28, 2004Active 1 year, 5 months ago
214 Replies made

In this picture

the Buildings(?) with the windows, are these the natural boundary of the level?
Also this is just one and the same Sprite repeated right?

Broken Sound chip?

Very nice progress here.
Also thank you to that guy who donated a huge sume to keep it running for a few month.
The Patreon also looks quite okay so far.
But it will still going slow there until there is something playble on screen.
People from GBATemp for example are mostly not very interested in deep technicial information. They only want to knew as much as what is needed to hack your system to play emulators or roms. They don’t care about Worlds or VIP functions.
Most of them were babys or not born when the VB was available.
So they only act upon sensation and on what they can see and touch.
It will propably take a bit more time before patreon brings in money more frequently.

Yeah, it is doing that for quite some time now.

That is a nice find and creates hope for other still unreleased games. So far all games which got presented on a trade show back then ended up on one of this cardrige sized flash boards.
Nintendo always tried to use final looking hardware on tradeshows.
So if for example Dragon Hopper or Zero Racers was playble on a Tradeshow at one point, chances are high that more of this stuff has survived.
Also it is more unlikely that such stuff leaks from Nintendo directly. Stuff from Tradshows or game journalists are more likely.
Chances however to see that surfaced are slim or it takes some time. The last VB prototype game before this BH Board was quite some time back.
A lot of VB related Material located in japan and I heard several times that they have some very obscure collectors who would never part with stuff. They do not even want that somebody knows what they have. Makes no sense to me.
Some do not even consider preservation which is highly stupid when it comes to games on Disk, flash from that time or Eproms.

Regarding Bound High itself. Will be interesting to see how the roms will compare. Gamewise it will propably the same but maybe the rom contains some unused materials or so.

Yeah, wanted to buy the last box but well… no paypal on the site possible and I don’t have a credit card. 🙁


I own a BB case to. Never patted with it.
But mine missing the sticker on the front.
Can somebody provide a Picture or scan of it? Thanks

They do but even with this, it would not even come anywhere close. The buyee fees are more or less okay. I buy often there.

What I can tell you straight is that the prices for VB Items on ebay are nonsense and nobody should buy it there!

There was a time when you just went to buyee/Yahoo auction and get the stuff. Now the japanese put all their stuff on ebay and add ridiculous amounts of money on the asking price + asking scarya amounts for shipping.
Here is a very good example right now:
(also made screenshots just in case)

11 Games 160 USD

And now have a look at ebay!

Same picturs, same games double the price plus shipping!
This is a general Ripoff and they all do this on ebay now.
People are asking for 400 USD for a boxed VB.
This prices are not justified at all because there is enough supply left.
The same goes for games Like Mario Clash japanese. This was a common a cheap game and still is but they sell it for like 80 USD or more BUT show a full factory box of like 20 new copies of the game and writing RARE! Fuck them!
In my oppinon, we really should make a PVB post on the front page letting people know what kind of scam is going on with VB items on ebay!

cool, cant wait to get the ball rolling 🙂

the ronin gambler, Vampire Ryu 😀

mhm that Tile Editor, cool. need to check that out.

Well that would be actually a cool story for a game 😀
Ninja Brawler style break in Nintendo HQ for lost games.
At the end you are in front of the open Vault with so many cool stuff. But you are only able to take one item.

A proper thread here would propably the best.
Then we can start to spread the word and wait 🙂

I wish I still had one 🙁

Okay, I was checking a few things.
Several emualtion project were already successfull in funding the way we have in mind.
GLideN64 is a good example. they even fund single features.
They are using indigogo and patreon.

I have started to formulate a forum post for GBATemp with all the infos I got here from this thread. I have attached the text here. Can you guys plese check it. It is open for discussion.
Since it mostly concerns GuyPerfect, please have a look and also correct/add if possible.

I also updated the Frontend Mockups which should appear in the thread. They include now also 2 Screnshots and a Video.
There are 3 sections, JP, US and Homebrew:

To fund this project with Kickstarter or patreon will only work if people are aware. I think a good idea would be to write a proper but short summary of the project.
What is the aim, what are the features and what are the benefits. Maybe a short description about the coder so the people are confident.
With that we should go on GBATemp and test the grounds.
In the starting thread we should point out that basically everything is ready to get starting but the funds are needed and we are planning to go on KS or Patreon.

Normaly it is always so that certain project want to achive something but do not have the proper people. If Guy Perfect is willing to dig into it we have this person and can present a whole case. That should trigger more people. Also because it makes the project foreseeable. Many people (also on GBATemp) like to have fast results and the usual “spare time” emulator is not offering this.

There is or was this Glide64 project for a proper N64 GFX emu plugin. A coder was doing it full time because he was able to collect enough monthly funds for this. This is actually a good role model. I think it took not very long to get all the funds for them.

Also this thread on GBA Temp could us also give an answer what the people prefer, KS or patreon.
Also with KS I dont think that anybody here wants to to any physical rewards for this. So we need to come up with some interesting digital rewards.

Personaly I think patreon is better because the aim is a steady income for the coder for the duration of the project. With KS you need to wait and with luck you got one big sum. This creates probems like tax shit and I think you need to be a company on KS.

Kickstarter would be good for the Visual Compendium but then again even this could be done with patreon.

Just out of curiosity, has ever somebody here has scanned the Boxes?

Guy Perfect schrieb:
… Actually, that’s a real possibility… How rich is STEREO BOY?

Good question! 😀
Okay who is rich here? XD