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@hedgetrimmerRegistered November 10, 2008Active 2 years ago
476 Replies made

It can be done but only the main case, front and back, not the connector strip, those still need to come from a cart (or someone did find something that works but not sure on availability etc)
Anyway here are copies of my model of a front and back cart case, STL format.

2 versions here, simple front and rear has 4 screws holding the halves together, the other front and rear are detailed copies of the originals with text etc.

Have fun printing and post pics of what you make.

akumie wrote:
From my understanding its whatever you do to promote the Virtual Boy now when its the anniversary of the VB and all
The VB 3D model and the commercial for example I would not add as “2015 projects” hence why I included my video but anyway L_E_T, don’t forget to post what you did to support our cool friend the VB 😉

Mmmm while on the VB 3D model subject, I got to admit this is not gonna happen any time soon, I did fully intend on modelling it completely but have kind of got side-tracked drawing and detailing my new house build, which has taken rather a lot of my spare time, and still is, there is quite a lot goes into a house oddly 🙂
Sorry to all who have been waiting, one day it will appear here for all to view and download, but I don’t know when.

Oh yeah Starfox would be a good one.
Metroid would be high up the list for me, NES or SNES versions, with some nice deep backgrounds and a few flashing into the screen explosions etc.

I watched that, not a bad programme actually.
You got good eyes, I missed seeing the VB in the background.

Soft material would be great, Minestorm let me know if you want the model tweaking to add in vents, some slots could be added however they would let light in so might need to experiment with angled slots.

Nice detail, how is the strength?
Black will top it off to perfection, keep us posted.

Still making these, just not able to sort right now,but send me a pm and I’ll sort it out when I’m back to work.
New batch are plain, no logo, but I have few etched ones left so if you want with the logo get in there quick, only 5 of that sort left.

Nice find, even if its a bit busted up, nothing that cannot be fixed with replacement parts.
Being from the UK we will never (well almost) see these for sale in anything but the retro shops, even then its a rare find, I have only ever seen 1 shop with 1 in it, about 10 plus years back and then I missed getting it, auction sites seem to be our only option.
Keep your eyes open and grab it if you see one.

It does need a little tweaking, just got a copy from minestorm and there is a bit of a gap at the top, I’ll need to alter the model a bit to close that.
The head strap and this would make a good partnership.

we use a rubber seal strip here at work which could well do the trick, but the ‘visor’ part mould need to be lower to take up the added distance by adding it.
It would fit over the edge and has a round rubber section that will deform against the face, could work ok.
its from Seals Direct, part code ETS1556, might need to alter the visor thickness to suit it too.
I will see if I can get some from the department that uses it and then rework the visor height to compensate.

Ah dang it, looks like its a JPN only theme, I can’t find it for my UK or US 3DS, hope it does come to us.

finally a theme worth having on the 3DS, will have to pick this one up, I had given up looking at them a long time ago as nothing grabbed my interest, thanks for showing it.

Minestorm: yeah that came out alright, a dot of paint on the buttons would snazz it right up.

that snes looks nice, wonder if it was painted or printed that way?

Its not bad, gives a general idea but my OCD solid model brain picks out flaws and like Runnerpack says its just faces and not solid. It will be cool to see if you do manage to print something.

BTW here is my scaled down model of the controller I did a few years back, not got the battery box on but might make a nice keyring etc.


I intend on finishing my VB 3D model as accurate and close to the real thing as possible

Good to hear our beloved PVB stays, I was on the planet3ds site fairly regular, but only seeing the news, which was from other sites anyway, I was not posting or anything, I did wonder why the shortcut I had on my phone sent me to pvb, that’s now answered. Bit sad to see it go but there are heaps of others to check for 3DS news so not a big issue really.
Big thanks for keeping PVB up, it is a top place to be.

I just sent you a pm with info 🙂

Windows phone, so neither of them 2.
its a basic Lumia 620, was a gift, works for me.

My contribution to this was to the artwork, I modelled the wireframe controller, so here is a copy for all who are interested to view as a full 3D model

we are going off topic here, but then talking about Akumie’s latest project has gotta be worth it, we just know he will add in his latest written full commercial release style game, I would expect nothing less from him……..oh sorry no that should read: I expect nothing from him. 🙂

I got mine, its way cool and big kudos to all involved.