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@cyberdyneRegistered July 30, 2007Active 3 years, 9 months ago
19 Replies made

For 10k I would sell mine! If anyone from germany is interested … ;o)

Mednafen works great but it was hard to get everything configured the way I want it. Now I can play VB games with my regular VB, my HMVB and also with my PC in real 3D. 🙂
I thought about the USB-mod for an original VB controller but now I use a gamepad which works quit nice. I bought this one. Pearl had it twice as a special offer for 3,99euro so maybe it is a good idea to wait a while?!

Thank you very much! I didn’t know mednafen but I will test it.

Yes! “Runaway Bride” was the film I was remembering. Thank you very much!

Not until now! 😉
Your site gets better and better every day! Let’s see if I can find more “hidden” goodies. 😉

Ahhhh! Now I understand everything!
Without the picture it was kind of difficult.

The picture does not work and what are you talking about? Did someone called Keima combined a VB and a VFX-1 like I did or what do you try to say? And what does “with Homebrew PSP compatibility” mean? PSP like Playstation Portable? What has a PSP todo with a VB? I don’t get it?! Sorry!

I didn’t make instructions yet but sure I will help you. If we make something usable Chris can add it to the pictures here at PVB as well. Please send me a PM and tell me how I can help you.

Thank you very much! I still have to do some minor changes but I will send new pictures and maybe a small video.

Is there an Emulator which supports a 3D Monitor like this:

Is an author of an emulator registered here? The program “just” has to utilize the iZ3D driver.

Thanks. Awesome helmet in your avatar icon!

Thank you! Just finished this project and pictures are already on the way to KR155E. You will get more information here on this webside soon.

Now I need your VBoot for this helmet to make it perfect! 😉

I’ve been away for quite some time and didn’t know about this project. But now I am back! 🙂
I have a FlashBoy+ but I would also buy a VBoot. It looks great so far.

SN: VN10593243[5]
displayproblem (r)
HMD-VB Umbau

SN: VN10011715[8] (already in list but new owner 😉 )
displayproblem (l)
complete in box (U)

SN: unknown
no displayproblem
Design Phase Store Display (COUNTER VERSION)

OK! Everybody thinks that the prices drop when the dumps are released. The dumps are out so please tell me where to buy a cheap “Space Invaders”!

No answer?

I am a C64 collector. I had a perfect copy of the game “A Bee C’s” but I bought the real one as soon as I got get my hands on.
I am a collector! I want the real stuff! I don’t care if there are remakes or fakes or what so ever as long as I have the real item.
With the release of these dumps, the number of produced carts has not changed. The carts are still as rar as before.

The VB inner circle is very tight, the people who are in it already know who leaked these and why. Now anything that is held even by 1 person will be held even tighter.

Whats your problem? You are part of this “inner circle” and you are not going to get rar dumps any more?
Tight or tighter … the normal gamer never got the dumps. What’s the difference for us?

Why shouldn’t I compare these collector items with hardware?
Why is a game in original box more expansive? Has this anything todo with software?
Wario Land is a realy good game and people would pay more if it would be rare just because it is a great game and they want to play it! But noone pays such a lot of money for the games we talk about because they are so great games. In this case it’s all about the hardware!

You want to get a good price for your rare item?
1. Keep it in perfect condition! Don’t use it! Don’t even touch the box!
2. Try to motivate more people to collect VB stuff.

Who pays more than $1.000,- to play a game? It’s all about having a rare item!

Only very few games for the C64 are not yett available. A friend of mine got an extremely rare A Bee C’s modul for the C64. I did not only get the dump. He made me a perfect copy of this modul. I only have to print me a nice label! I got it, it works but I still would pay the same price to get an original one!!! I can play this (stupid) game but it is a fake. It is not the real one!

I realy like this thread:
and this sentence:
“The saddest thing of all is that I wouldn’t mind spending the 1,300 euro again, if this would allow me to finish my Virtual Boy game collection.”
Do you realy think he would not like to finish his collection just because there is a dump of the moduls to download?

Let’s talk about Commodore again. In the last few years there was a real Commodore hype. More and more people bought the computer of there childhood. More people with a Commodore -> more people who might start a real collection -> more collectors -> higher prices for rare items.

I think this thread is very useless because it is not going to change anything. I just think that the prices are just a bad excuse for not helping the community.
The VB community is very small but if there are more games to play for a small price, probably more people will buy a VB. And maybe some of them will start a collection?! Get the point?

Even the owners should be glad to have a flashboy and romdumps of all their games. They could play the game without touching the rare moduls. Prices drop the more an item is used.

To all the collectors:
If it is only all about the price and you only bought the games for playing. You know that the Flashboy is comming. Why don’t you make dumps of all your games, sell these games, make a lot of money and still be able to play all of them?
Why not? Because it is not all about the money and you did not buy the games because you just want to play them. You have a collection and you want the real stuff! That is not going to change!

Sorry that I said a lot of this already in an other thread!

The games don’t lose their value! These prices are not paid because the buyer wants to play the game … he wants to have the original one!
Why do people pay such a lot of money for a VB Display System? If they want to play they would buy a normal VB. A Romdump has nothing todo with collecting. People who just want to play are no potential buyers!
Don’t trust me? I am not a VB collector but I know a lot about collecting Commodore stuff! Look how much people pay for the original “The Great Giana Sisters” game for the C64 or Amiga. You get the files everywhere on the net but the prices still go higher and higher!
Let’s talk about the golden C64. It’s a normal C64 with a golden spraypaint. It is in no way better than a normal C64. An emulator is even better because you could just download from the internet. This does not effect the price! It is still rising!
What about Mona Lisa? Do you think the price will drop just because thousands of copys are made and hangig in everybodys livingroom? NO! Collector prices are not effected by this! If you want the original one you have to pay the price.
I only buy cheap modules and these prices will drop as soon as the flashboy is on the market. People like me are no potential buyers of the rare items so these prices are not effected!

It’s not about dropping prices! The owners paid such a lot of money that they don’t want us to play these games for free!

The games don’t lose their value! These prices are not paid because the buyer wants to play the game … he wants to have the original one!
Why do people pay such a lot of money for a VB Display System? If they want to play they would buy a normal VB. A Romdump has nothing todo with collecting. People who just want to play are no potential buyers!
Don’t trust me? Look how much people pay for the original “The Great Giana Sisters” game for the C64 or Amiga. You get the files everywhere on the net but the prices are still high!
It’s not about dropping prices! The owners paid such a lot of money that they don’t want us to play these games for free!
This would be no problem if there were so much games for the VB like for the C64. But there are only 22 games!
I get realy angry when I think about it! It’s not because of me – I am new in this forum and cannot donload dumps anyway!

There are only 22 games! Let us play all of them! Please!

Hi KR155E!

Letztes Jahr war die CC in Nordhorn. Fand ich als Duisburger auch besser! :o)
Kannst Du mir eine DVD mit Promos und Werbespots fertig machen? Leider hab ich nix in der Richtung. Vielleicht nehme ich ja auch wieder meinen Beamer mit? Muss mal schauen, dass ich noch ein Banner oder so mache und vielleicht ein paar http://www.vr32.de “Visitenkarten”. Dann müssen sich die Leute die Adress nicht merken.
Keine Ahnung, wieviele Gäste wir letztes Jahr hatten. Nordhorn hatte ein schön große Halle aber es ist schon ab vom Schuß. Wir erhoffen uns von Stuttgart mehr Laufkundschaft. Der VB kam auf jeden Fall super an (ist ja auch ein Blickfang) und alle wollten spielen und waren begeistert! Ob die Begeisterung reicht, dass sich die Leute einen VB zulegen, weiß man natürlich nicht.
Mit dem VB Store Display hat es bei mir angefangen. Ich kannte VB bis dato nicht. Ich steh total auf alles in 3D! Hab einen VFX1 Helm, hatte schon früher eine Voodoo2 mit Shutterbrille und jetzt auch wieder eine an meiner Geforce, natürlich hab ich auch Rot/Grün- und Rot/Blau-Brillen mit passenden Bildern und Videos und die “Das Magische Auge” Bücher hab ich verschlungen. Und dann hab ich auf einer Retrocomputermesse (reine Verkaufsmesse) in Holland das VB Store Display gesehen. Ich hab es ausprobiert (Mario Tennis) und war hin und weg! Am Preis musste noch verhandelt werden aber ich musste ihn haben! Als ich zuhause war hab ich bei Ebay geschaut und da lief gerade eine Auktion mit genau dem gleichen Teil zum doppelten Preis aus. Was für ein Zufall. Seitdem hab ich kein Store Display mehr bei Ebay gesehen. Die hatten auf der Messe auch noch das ganz kleine Demoteil aber ich hatte eh schon genug Geld ausgegeben.
Hab mir bei Ebay später noch einen zweiten VB gekauft, der immer noch darauf wartet zu einem Helm ala VFX1 umgebaut zu werden.

Eine gute Freundin, die Konsolen sammelt hab ich auch schon mit dem VB angefixt. Sie spart jetzt! :o)

Jan aka Cyberdyne

Thank You for the quick answer! Yes, that’s right: The plug is different. That’s why I could not just test if there is a AC to DC converter in the adapter tap. That SNES in America need a DC adapter and in Germany a AC adapter is very strange, too!
I think I have to buy me one of these multi voltage adapters. Or has anyone an other good idea?